September 13, 2014

”Live by the gun, die by the gun.”
Unapozungumzia jina la ”TuPac Amaru Shakur” ni mojawapo ya majina makubwa yaliyoweka historia kubwa katika Dunia hasa kwenye suala zima la mziki wa Hip-Hop, Siku ya leo Tar 13 Septemba 2014 ”TuPac Amaru Shakur” anatimiza miaka 18 tangu kutokea kwa kifo chake ambacho kiliacha maswali mengi na simanzi kwa wapenzi na mashabiki wa muziki kutoka katika kila pembe ya Dunia.
Jina lake halisi ni ”Tupac Amaru Shakur” maana   halisi ya jina Tupac ni Nyoka anayeng’aa, alizaliwa mnamo mwaka 1971 katika jiji la New York City nchini Marekani ni mmoja kati ya Marapper waliojizolea umaarufu mkubwa na mafanikio kupitia kazi ya muziki kwenye miaka ya 90 pamoja na kipaji kingine alichokuwa nacho cha  uigizaji.
Mnamo Tar 7 Septemba mwaka 1996 Tupac alikwenda katika jiji la Las Vegas kwa ajili ya kuhudhuria pambano la ngumi kati ya bondia Mike Tyson alipokuwa akichuana na mpinzani wake Bruce Seldon, Kwa mujibu wa taarifa zinaeleza kwamba 2pac alifika katika hoteli moja ya kifahari jijini Las Vegas iliyokuwa inaitwa Luxor Hotel – Casino, Mpambano wa ngumi ulikuwa unafanyiika katika ukumbi maarufu ujulikanao kama MGM Grand Hotel na inaelezwa kwamba siku ya mpambano huo Tupac alihudhuria sambamba na goons(Kampani) yake akiongozwa na Marion ”Suge” Knight ambaye alikuwa mwanzilishi na  mmiliki wa record label ya Death Row ambayo ilikuwa ikisimamia kazi za muziki za Tupac ikiwemo kurekodi nyimbo n.k, Katika mpambano huo Tupac alikaa kiti kimoja na mlinzi wake aliyekuwa akiitwa Frank Alexander na rafiki wa Suge knight sambamba na wacheza filamu maarufu wa Hollywood Louis Gossett Jr na Charlie Sheen pamoja na mchezaji wa baseball aliyevuma wakati huo Reggie Jackson na Mchungaji Jesse Jackson katika  eneo la V.I.P unaambiwa wakati huo kiti kimoja cha V.I.P kilitozwa kiasi cha dola za kimarekani 1000 kutokana na ukubwa wa pambano hilo ivyo watu walioweza kukaa VIP ni watu mashuhuri na wenye mkwanja wao enzi hizo na nyimbo aliyoingia nayo Mike Tyson kabla ya pambano lake kuanza uliandikwa na Tupac wimbo huo ulikuwa unaitwa ”WROTE THE GLORY” , Katika pambano hilo Mike Tyson aliweza kuibuka mbabe baada ya kumchakaza mpinzani wake Bruce Seldon katika raundi ya pili ya pambano hilo .
Pichani ni Hotel ya Luxur – Hotel Cassino iliyopo Las Vegas ambayo alikuwa amefikia Rapper Tupac Shakur.
Pichani ni Club ya 662 ambayo Tupac alikuwa akisubiriwa aende akafaye show baada ya pambano la Mike Tyson kumalizika.
Pichani ni ukumbi wa MGM GrandHotel ambapo mnamo Tar 07 mwezi Septemba 1996  Tupac alihudhuria pambano kati ya Mike Iron Tyson na mpinzani wake Bruce seldon ambapo baada ya pambano hilo  saa moja mbele Tupac alipigwa risasi na watu wasiojulikana.
Pichani ni eneo linaloitwa ”Koval lane” ambalo yalitokea mashambulizi ya risasi katika gari aliyokuwa amepanda Tupac Shakur na Meneja wake ”Marion Suge Knight”.
Pichani ni gari aina ya BMW 750 toleo la mwaka 1996 ambalo alikuwa amepanda Tupac na Marion Suge Knight baada ya tukio la kushambuliwa kwa risasi katika eneo la Koval Lane.
Baada ya Pambano hilo kuisha Kundi ambalo lilikuwa linaongozwa na Tupac liliingia katika mzozo katika korido ya ukumbi wa MMG baada ya kurushiana maneno na kundi lingine ambapo chanzo ugomvi huo hakikuweza kujulikana licha ya kwamba askari wa usalama ukumbini hapo waliweza kuingilia kati ili kuweka hali ya amani, inaelezwa kwamba Tupac na Kundi lake waliondoka katika eneo hilo la tukio na kuelekea katika Hotel waliyofikia.
Tupac was sharing a room with Quincy Jones’s daughter, Kidada. After changing his clothes, he and the rest of the crew headed to Suge Knight’s house in the Paradise Alley Township of Las Vegas. Kidada stayed behind at the hotel. Tupac was wearing a black and white basketball tank top, with baggy blue jeans and black and white leather sports shoes. Around his neck, on a heavy gold chain, he wore a large gold medallion. 
   Around 10 PM, the group left Knight’s house to head for Club 662, a nightclub that Suge owned on 1700 East Flamingo Road. Tupac was going to perform with the rap group Run DMC, and Mike Tyson was planning to stop in as well, to sing along with the group (kidding). Tupac was riding in the passenger seat of a black 1996 750 BMW sedan, with Knight driving, and four cars following them. They headed out on the Las Vegas Strip. At 11:05, Knight was stopped on the south end of the Strip by a bicycle cop for playing his music too loudly, and for not having license plates displayed on the BMW. While the car was stopped, a photographer took a picture. It would be the last picture taken of Tupac Alive  . After talking with the police officer and opening his car trunk, Knight was let go without getting a ticket. The entourage then made a left on to Flamingo Road, drove past the Bally’s Hotel Casino  , and headed towards Club 662 two miles away.
   The convoy came to a stop for a red light at Koval lane , which was a half-mile from the Strip. Knight’s car was boxed in by cars in front and back of him. To the left of the BMW was a Chrysler sedan with four young black women seated inside. They smiled at Knight and Shakur, and the two men smiled back. Then a white late model Cadillac pulled up to the right of the BMW. In it were three or four men. One man stuck a handgun out from the left rear window, and fired thirteen bullets into the BMW. Five bullets pierced the passenger door. Tupac tried to get into the back seat, but he was wearing his seat belt. He was hit three times, once in his chest, another in his right hip, and the third in his right hand. Knight was hit in the back of his neck. Two of the BMW’s tires were shot out. The Cadillac then made a right turn onto Koval Lane and took off   . Hearing the gunshots, police arrived at the scene.
My friend EJ Fleming sends us this, “Suge said that after they were shot, he turned to Tupac and said, “Are you OK Pac?.”  Tupac saw the blood on Knight’s head and said, “Me?  You’re the one shot in the mother-fuckin’ head!” Knight then decided to drive Tupac to the hospital. Trying to drive through heavy traffic on the Strip, his car hit the median, and caused a third tire to go flat, forcing the car to stop. The police arrived, and paramedics were called. Suge and Tupac were taken to University Medical Center  , a county hospital nearby.  Tupac said over and over, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe”. As the ambulance got ready to leave, Tupac said, “I’m dyin, man”. At the hospital, he was placed on life support, and underwent three surgeries to try and stop internal bleeding. The second time, his right lung was removed.  For six days he was in a drug-induced coma with visitors such as MC Hammer, Mike Tyson, Jasmine Guy, and the Reverend Al Sharpton coming to see him. Tupac’s mother, Afeni Shakur, had flown in from Atlanta the day after the shooting. 
   On Friday September 13th, 1996, Tupac Shakur died from his wounds at 4:03 PM. His mother identified his body at 5 PM, and he was taken from the hospital to the morgue three blocks away, where an autopsy was performed. One autopsy photo managed to surface, and here it is.  Be warned, it is pretty Grue Some  . The official cause of death was listed as respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest, in connection with multiple gunshot wounds. After a small service in Las Vegas, Tupac was cremated, and probably scattered at sea. Two more services would be held in Tupac’s memory, one in Harlem, and the second in Atlanta.
  To date, no one has been arrested in connection to the killing.  One of the others in the entourage, Yafeu Fala, was in the car behind the BMW. He said that he saw the shooting, and would testify. Two months later, he was murdered in New Jersey. Some say that Tupac was killed due to his ties with gangs, which he denied. Others say that he was killed because his mother was once a Black Panther. There was also a supposed feud between Death Row Records and the New York based Bad Boy Records, run by Sean “P. Diddy” Combs. He also had an ongoing rivalry with Christopher Wallace, AKA The Notorious B.I.G  Is there anyone that didn’t want him dead?  Then there are the rumors that his death was faked, and he is still alive. Paging Elvis Presley….
   His mother continues to release his music, and he has made more money now than when he was alive. Two films featuring Shakur, Gang Related and Gridlock’d, were released in 1997.

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