April 01, 2014

For the past eight years, the well-connected world leader would use nothing but a BlackBerry to get their email on the move – and it is still Barack Obama’s phone of choice, according to a report published by the UK’s premier newspaper, the Guardian.

The newspaper says Mr Obama uses a model specially enhanced by the US National Security Agency. But the news earlier this month that the White House Communications Agency is testing other phones, including models by Samsung and LG, sent shivers through fans of the struggling Canadian smartphone company, which has just announced an annual loss of $5.8 billion.

“For a world leader, security is much more than just having a passcode on your phone; it also means protecting it against attempted incursions from all the amateur and professional hackers, and more importantly spy agencies, who want to know to whom, when, what and where you have been speaking and reading

“For a country’s leader to have their phone eavesdropped is the ultimate failure of their national spy agency, and a huge loss of face. With enhancements, BlackBerry has been the spy agencies’ phone of choice to guard against that so far. Now, though, Apple and Samsung – the two largest makers of smartphones – are starting to knock on the security services’ doors,” says a report published by the Guardian on Sunday.

And what if BlackBerry goes away? Though it may have pulled out of a death spiral, BlackBerry’s position as the phone of choice for top executives is less clear – and Apple has been touting (pdf) ever-improving security on its iPhone, which has been edging out BlackBerrys even in financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, once a redoubt for the keyboard-reliant phones. Yahoo, Pfizer and Halliburton have all said sayonara too.

As rival devices improve their security, it could only be a matter of time before Apple or Samsung becomes the US leader’s phone – perhaps not during Obama’s presidency, but in his successor’s.

Though the White House press secretary has insisted that “the executive office of the president is not participating in a pilot programme” to replace Obama’s BlackBerry, it might only be a matter of time – though if Hillary Clinton succeeds him, her well-known affinity for it could extend its survival just a little longer.

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